John Taylor's Freebies

Published Works

Jumpstart! Maths THIRD EDITION published: 5th June, 2019
Jumpstart! Maths presents a collection of simple to use, multisensory games and activities which will jumpstart students' understanding of mathematics in action. If you are one of the thousands of teachers looking for a range of practical and fun ideas to teach Maths engagingly, then this is also the perfect book for you.

This 3rd edition includes:
* a new section of games and other activities for your interactive whiteboard with instructions and
cross-referenced to the non-IWB versions which appear in other sections of the book.
* additional activities
* new decimal nomenclature
* activities are grouped according to National curriculum headings.

Areas covered include, addition and subtraction, multiplication and division, fractions, ratio and proportion, algebra, measurement, geometry and statistics. There is an emphasis on problem solving throughout.

Jumpstart! Maths celebrates the joy of learning mathematics and become a vital resource for all classroom teachers from Key Stage 1 through to 3.

Order on line from publisher
ISBNs: 9780367207489
(paperback), 9780429263262 (eBook) and 9780367207465 (hardback library version)

Getting to Know Me Me Encouraging Positive Attitudes in Children
Getting To Know Me is a copymaster resource book, with suggestions for usage. It is not a scheme - it recognises the knowledge and expertise of the teacher in deciding what to use and how. The worksheets can be used with groups and classes, or with individual students.
It covers:

self confidence
social skills
peer pressure
anger & conflict

Nominated for the NASEN / T.E.S. SEN Book Awards 2006

Available from bookshops with a decent Education section or order direct
from the Routledge website.

Move on Maths!

Click to order online.

Move on Maths! offers versatile, tried and tested maths resources; specifically aimed at your more-able pupils.

Each book contains more than fifty stand-alone photocopiable units in four strands to be used in class or as homework tasks, complete with teachers' notes and answers to help your planning in the way that is most suitable for your pupils.

The units give you flexible ideas, rather then prescriptive lessons and support the Renewed Primary Framework for mathematics.

The PNS Framework objectives are clearly shown for every sheet, followed by unit learning outcomes, so it's easy to choose the right worksheet to suit you and your children's needs.

Click to order online.

Maths ExpressThese were my first published books which came out in January 2000; now long since out of print.
As an unknown new-comer my name only appeared on the inside front cover - not on the front!

Other published work

Level Up Maths
I'm one of several people who wrote sections of the Access books for this superb KS 3 scheme, with lots of "bells and whistles".

Click on the logo for more information.

Classworks Numeracy Year 1 to Year 6
Classworks Numeracy has been written by Len and Ann Frobisher, myself (John Taylor), John Spooner, Thelma Page, Ray Steele, Mike Spooner and Anitra Vickery.
Len and Ann also edited the series.

Each strand was written as a continuum from year 1 work up to year 6, thus ensuring progression; and then the strands were rearranged into year-specific books. I wrote the Measures and Handling data strands.

Classworks is designed for the way you teach Numeracy. It gives you flexible ideas, not prescriptive lessons. Classworks is in blocked units, to fit with the latest thinking on curriculum delivery and is in line with new QCA advice.

Maths ExpressThese were my first published books which came out in January 2000.
As an unknown new-comer my name only appeared on the flyleaf - not on the cover!