John Taylor's Freebies
Please note that most of the files on this site are in MS Excel format and need to be opened in Excel..

Maths Resources

Printable Resources

Download my FREE & UPDATED Literacy and MATHS copymaster book.
It contains 40 fun activity sheets for maths and 40 for literacy. Although aimed primarily at key stage 2, many sheets could be appropriate for older pupils.
To make life simple I suggest that once downloaded you simply print out the whole book (87 pages including contents, answers etc.) and put it in a binder of some sort. Plastic pockets would be a good way of avoiding photocopying ring binder punch holes!

Christmaths printable worksheets

This file contains 6 humorous worksheets on a Christmas theme. Each can be used separately.

Computation Sheet Generators
These files enable you to generate computation resources for printing out or Interactive Whiteboard display.
Clicking on a tab will also display the answers for you"
If you are a surfer from the US you will want to choose the US (dollar) versions of "Addsub Money" and the three "Problems" files.

KS3 addsub Equations (35kb)
This file creates addition and subtraction equations using 3 and 4 digit numbers.
The last section includes subtractions that have a negative answer.

Addsub (30kb)
This file creates vertical addition and subtraction worksheets, TUs and HTUs.
Easy Addsub (42kb)
This file creates simple vertical addition and subtraction worksheets.
You specify which numbers are to be added.

Addsub Money (30kb)
This file creates vertical addition and subtraction worksheets
Dollar version (32 kb)
Multiplication (39kb)
This file creates vertical multiplication worksheets,
TUs and HTUs.
You specify which numbers you multiply by.

Multiplication of Money (39kb)
This file creates vertical multiplication worksheets for Money - you specify which numbers you multiply by.
Dollar version (40 kb)
Add Equation (28kb)
This file creates addition equation worksheets. You specify which numbers you want to add together.

Subtraction Equation (32kb)
This file creates subtraction equation worksheets. You specify which numbers you want to subtract.

Division (47kb)
This file creates division worksheets in the traditional 'over the top' format.
You specify which numbers you want to divide by.
Tables Practice "Sheets" (91kb)
This file enables you to generate times tables practice questions either to print out or for Interactive Whiteboard
Altogether there are nine choices of layout - three variations of where the answer has to be inserted; and a choice of multiplication only, division only, or a combination of both.
By pressing the [F9] key each sheet will jumble itself up giving 10 variations of each of NINE different formats of practice sheet for the times table you specify.

Measurement Resources

These files enable you to generate computation resources for printing out or Interactive Whiteboard display.
Clicking on a tab will also display the answers for you"
If you are a surfer from the US you will want to choose the US (dollar) versions of "Addsub Money" and the three "Problems" files.

This file covers vertical addition and subtraction of length plus unit conversions m , cm, mm

This file covers vertical addition and subtraction of volume in litres plus unit conversions l to ml and ml to l Weight
This file covers vertical addition and subtraction of weight in kg plus unit conversions kg to g and g to kg.

This file generates worksheets on perimeter of regular quadrilaterals.

Worded Problems
Addition & subtraction Problems (30kb) This file creates written problems for addition and subtraction.
You vary the number range, the text remains the same. Dollar version

Multiplication Problems (28kb)This file creates written problems multiplication.
You set the numbers to multiply; the text remains the same. Dollar version (30 kb)

Division Problems (27kb) This file creates written problems for division.
You set the numbers to divide by and the size of the numbers to be divided, the text remains the same. Dollar version (26 kb)

Interactive Resources - for whole class or group

christmaths interactive worksheets
This file contains humorous interactive sheets on a Christmas extending some of the activities from the printed sheets.

Fraction Snap This file contains 3 "Snap" games which compare vulgar and decimal fractions and percentages.

Measurement Snap Three "Snap" games which compare values expressed in cm and mm with metres, and g with kg.

Random Numbers These files generate random numbers within paremeters that you can set. The first 2 sheets simply show 1 or 2 random numbers. The other 2 sheets put them in incomplete + or - number sentences
If you want number sentences with answers viewable see the next section on this page.

Number Snap This file contains 4 "Snap" games. The first randomly displays a number word (between zero and ten) and a numeral between 0 and 10. The other three sheets display 2, 3 or 4 numerals randomly chosen within a range which you specify.

Multiple Snap
This file randomly displays sets of numbers (within a range set by you), each time the F9 key is pressed.
the file also contains instructions and a scoreboard.

Interactive Tables Practice "Sheets" (24kb)
This file is designed for single users on computers; but can be used with a group on an Interactive Whiteboard .
You set the times table to be practised, the user types in their answer and gets feedback straight away to show if their answer is correct or not.

These two files guide the children through an investigations requiring taking measurements, inputting data file & making predictions and testing them.

This is an investigation into π .The first sheet guides a group through discovering the relationship between diameter and circumference, then applies their result to predict the circumference of other circles. The second sheet introduces, applies and compares the 2 and 7 dec place value of π to calculate circmference. The third sheet introduces using π to calculate the area of circles.

Body Measures
This file has two active worksheets which investigate a relationship and applies it to make predictions.
One relates size of spans to cubits, creates a mean ratio and uses it to predict cubit measures from span measures. The other file does the same using length of foot and height.

Other Class/Group Warm Ups
These files display large printed number equations with the answer space blank. They are intended to be used on an interactive whiteboard.
You control the parameters of the randomly generated numbers using the setup sheet within the file. To find the correct answer scroll down.
Pressing the
[F9] key replaces it with another equation.

You need to have the Analysis Toolpak Add In enabled.

DIVISION 96 kb Number bonds
(uses Macros) 27Kb
Number bonds
(works without Macros)24 Kb

Interactive Resources - for individual pupils
These Excel files can be set up to suit your requirements. When an answer is put in the pencil symbol at the side changes to show if it is correct or wrong.

Addition and Subtraction EquationsThis has separate sheets for practising addition and subtraction, one for addition of integers up to HTUs, and one for addition of money.
Vertical Addition and SubtractionThis has two sheets, one for straight forward vertical addition up to HTUs, and one for vertical addition of money.
Times Tables PracticeThis file has x and ÷ equations to test knowledge of whichever times table you have selected.
Vertical Multiplication and divisionThis has separate sheets for practising multiplication (up to 3 digits) and division of numbers (up to 4 digits).
Number bonds works without Macros 24 Kb

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